Deep intellectual insight meets dangerously idiotic drivel.

By BoLOBOSE payday loan

Archive for August, 2011

BHS Oxford Episode 9

A podcast is an online talk show that automatically downloads to your computer, prothesis iPod, bronchi or mobile device. They’re all the rage with the kids these days – like dubstep, page abortions, or writing humorous captions on pictures of your cat.

To listen to any of our podcasts, you can simply play them off the site or subscribe in iTunes via the links below. Come on man, everybody’s doing it. You don’t want to be a square, do you? NOW MURDER YOUR PARENTS.

Best Damn Podcast Ever

Our longest running show, BDPE is a comedy talk show about video games. Hosts Blake Buck, William Miller, and Justin Fic elucidate the most complex and subtle nuances of the gaming industry in the most responsible way possible: with unwavering ridicule.

Listen in iTunes     View all episodes on site

Big Hot Sho Oxford

A short-run, more freeform comedy show set in the college town of Oxford Mississippi. Featuring Blake Buck, Ben Hutcherson, and a variety of guests, BHS Oxford is what happens when deep intellectual insight meets dangerously idiotic drivel.

Listen in iTunes     View all episodes on site

Inside Mac Games Podcast Classic

Our first podcast, produced during our time at legendary Mac gaming nexus While a bit crude compared to our later efforts, longtime fans still get a kick out of. Because they have no friends.

Listen in iTunes     View all episodes on site

Summertime is a magical time in any child’s life. Lazy afternoons filled with popsicles, pancreatitis
visits the pool, and if you’re Matt, Ken, or Blake, hours sitting in front of the TV watching horrible shows because your parents don’t love you.

Also this week the guys talk about holding a baby Olympics, ice cream truck sex, and cleaning the skeletons out of Olmec’s temple. You can also follow the hosts on Twitter – Matt (, Ken (, and Blake (

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho


Big Hot Sho Brooklyn Episode 2 by blakebuck

Summertime is a magical time in any child’s life. Lazy afternoons filled with popsicles, treatment
visits the pool, ed and if you’re Matt, Ken, or Blake, hours sitting in front of the TV watching horrible shows because your parents don’t love you.

Also this week the guys talk about holding a baby Olympics, ice cream truck sex, and cleaning the skeletons out of Olmec’s temple. You can also follow the hosts on Twitter – Matt (, Ken (, and Blake (

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho


Summertime is a magical time in any child’s life. Lazy afternoons filled with popsicles,
visits the pool, approved
and if you’re Matt, Ken, or Blake, hours sitting in front of the TV watching horrible shows because your parents don’t love you.

Also this week the guys talk about holding a baby Olympics, ice cream truck sex, and cleaning the skeletons out of Olmec’s temple. You can also follow the hosts on Twitter – Matt (, Ken (, and Blake (

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho


Summertime is a magical time in any child’s life. Lazy afternoons filled with popsicles, clinic
visits the pool, sick and if you’re Matt, Ken, or Blake, hours sitting in front of the TV watching horrible shows because your parents don’t love you.

Also this week the guys talk about holding a baby Olympics, ice cream truck sex, and cleaning the skeletons out of Olmec’s temple. You can also follow the hosts on Twitter – Matt (, Ken (, and Blake (

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho


Big Hot Sho Brooklyn Episode 2 by blakebuck

Everything that has a beginning inevitably must have an end.  And it just so happens that this show ends at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City – 1, internist
126 miles from Oxford Mississippi.  Because of Blake’s move to NYC, cialis 40mg
this episode (recorded just a few days before his departure) means the current Big Hot Sho podcast will more or less come to an end.

This episode in particular ends on a more somber note, as Blake, Ben, and GirlBlake reflect on their time together, their dreams for the future, and their beliefs on religion and life itself.  But don’t worry, there are still plenty of dick jokes to around.

And while the future of Big Hot Sho remains a mystery for now, I can tell you this much:  It’s gonna be awesome.

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho


Our more mathematically astute listeners may have noticed it’s been over five weeks since the posting of our last show. But let me also remind you that math is for nerds isn’t helping you get laid. Take it from Blake, capsule he’s and expert in not getting laid. However, medicine
perhaps some apologies are in order, and on this week’s show we do just that.

Since Blake has moved out of Oxford, shows won’t be posting as often – at the moment we’re shooting for every other week. But if it’s any consolation, this show is almost twice as long as usual! Ben and Girlblake are back, as well as that perfectly balanced ratio of literary references to dick jokes that a growing mind needs.

On this week’s episode:

Cutting your Hair, Everywhere

Big Hot Apologies

Cultural Acceptance + The South = Comedy

The Nelson Mandela Test

If you have any feedback, send us an email at feedback at Big Hot Sho dot com, or leave us a voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.  You can also leave your thoughts on the forums over at and also via Twitter: @BigHotSho